Prayer : The First Pillar of Lent
As we continue to walk this redemptive journey in Lent, I would like...Read more
St. Valentine meets Ash Wednesday: The union of the heart and the cross
This week, we are celebrating two events...Read more
The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe & Christmas: Healing the pornified culture
Recently, we celebrated two major feast days, with 1 more coming up: The Immaculate Conception, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christmas....Read more
To My Dear Sisters - A breakup letter to P*rn
We experience SO MANY beautiful moments in Freedom Coaching. We are priviledged to see some of the most broken men and women, broken on...Read more
How to talk to your teen if they’ve been exposed to porn
Imagine this: You stand outside your teen’s bedroom door. You knock a few times and there’s no answer. A few moments pass by and...Read more
Go ahead...make someone's day
Recently, my wife celebrated the big 4-0. I knew this was coming for about a year (OK, we’ve been married 14 years, so I...Read more
The Break Up Letter
Dear Pornography,
You and I have had a long relationship together.
Too long.
Longer than it ever should have been. I...Read more
What does freedom mean to you?
By Steve Pokorny
When you hear the word “freedom,” what do you hear? For many of us who have grown up in the...Read more
A Letter To My Wife
By Chris Ricketts
My beloved,
I remember you as that 18 year old girl. I thought I knew what love was, what...Read more
New Year’s Resolutions
We humans are ironic creatures. We fear change, yet we crave change. We hate goodbyes, but we love new beginnings. This paradox runs deep...Read more