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Steve Pokorny, Founder

Looking for a speaker for your event?

In addition to one-to-one mentoring, Steve Pokorny is a gifted speaker who uses humor, music, and stories to communicate his powerful message. He has spoken internationally and impacted a variety of audiences, large and small, including middle school, high school, young adults, and adults. Steve is available to speak to your church, school, or community group.

The following are some of the most popular talks available.

Not finding a topic listed you would like to hear delivered? Steve is very versatile, so just ask!

"Steve Pokorny is all heart, and speaks right to the heart of others with Truth that liberates."                                                                           -- Christopher West, PHD, Theology of the Body Institute, President

"Steve Pokorny's message, and his compelling, genuine & charismatic delivery, is absolutely urgent & essential for our times."                                -- Fr. Thomas J. Loya, S.T.B., M.A. , Tabor Life Institute

“Steve is a refreshingly enthusiastic presenter on sexuality issues normally couched in fear and shame. His powerfully energetic personality is contagious to teens and young adults, and his warm personality opens the ears of his audience, while also bolstering their self-value and confidence. Young people who attend his presentations leave with a renewed sense of dignity, and are edified with the fortitude to fight those instinctual battles between the mind, the body, and the will that governs them. Any group seeking a presenter to shape their teens to defend themselves against pornography, while also giving them healthy attitudes towards dating would be deeply blessed by his presentations”.                                                                                                   -- The Rev. Jon C. Jenkins, D. Min

"Steve's topics are indeed some of the most critically needed in our culture today, for our ability to properly ‘see and love’ others as God intends is foundational to the meaning and being of our existence and reclaiming the beauty of true love, as well as rebuilding strong families."            --Conference Coordinator

Steve Pokorny Sizzle Reel

Redeemed Vision: Setting the Blind Free from the Pornified Culture

Pornography is everywhere and it is not going away anytime soon. It is impacting every aspect of life, especially the way men and women relate to each other. So many people feel trapped and think this dark secret will be with them forever.

Join Steve Pokorny as he uses cutting edge science, life experience, and solid Catholic teaching to unveil a satisfying solutions to the pornified culture and provide genuine answers in how to reclaim a culture of beauty. 

This event is available as a stand alone talk or multi-part talk.

Post Roe: Rebuilding a Civilization of Life & Love

Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Yet is the fight for life really over? 

Why are various states and countries still allowing for abortions? The answer is far more than just political. To solve this issue so that a civilization of life & love blooms forth, we have to get to the root of the problem.

What is the root? Looking around at our culture, very few people really know what can truly satisfy their deepest desires. Because critical human identities and relationships are undergoing radical redefinition, many of us are left leaving feeling hopeless, and then we end up choosing behaviors that don't really fulfill. But there is hope!

Through the recovery of genuine meaning about 5 essential realities that matter most, we’ll discover a beautiful plan for life and love that will quench our deepest thirsts, and pave the path to rebuilding a civilization of life & love.

This event is available as a stand alone talk or a two-part talk.

Unveiling God's Plan for Your Love Life

So many people are looking for love in all the wrong places, but can’t seem to find what they’re looking for. The reason is they don’t realize what love is, or how to attain it in a fulfilling way. Learn 10 essential principles that will enable you to have a “love story” that will last all the days of your life…and beyond.

This is event is either a stand alone or part of a day-long retreat. Great for young adults.

Introduction to Theology of the Body Seminar

This four-part series presents the Good News of Jesus Christ in a way unknown to most Christians. God has designed us to experience true love, yet often because of misunderstanding the meaning of our bodies, we are filled with emptiness and pain. By walking through God’s glorious vision of the human person, we can be healed and reclaim the glory that Jesus Christ came to give us.

This is event is an all-day retreat.

Living Redeemed Vision in Your Marriage & Family

Let's get real: Living marriage and family well in today's world is TOUGH. There are so many forces in our culture attempting to dismantle what is the heart of the Church - the family. Many marrriages and families are collapsing, and the Church feels the weight of these pains. If you're experiencing difficulty in your own marriage & family, you might think the situation is hopeless.

But there is HOPE: In the midst of darkness, a light breaks forth. Jesus has come to redeem what is most broken. Join Steve Pokorny as he lays out the Church's beautiful vision for marriage & family life that truly satisfies, and how the grace of the Sacrament of marriage has the power to transform even the most broken individuals, families & situations. 

This event is available as a stand alone talk or a multi-part talk.

Adam & Eve’s Kids on a Date 

Our culture offers a confused understanding about the meaning of love and sexuality, setting up a lifetime of problems, disappointments, and failed relationships. Join Steve Pokorny as he helps young men and women navigate the pitfalls of broken romance through an unveiling of timeless biblical principles and God’s glorious plan for fulfillment in this practical & humorous presentation. Come discover God’s happily ever after for your love life!

How to be a Hero: The Meaning of Masculinity

What does it mean to be a man? So many solutions offered by the secular world fail to satisfy the deepest longings of the masculine soul.  It is easy to misunderstand how we, as men, are to relate to the world, especially in relation to the opposite sex. By uncovering God’s plan for our lives, we can reclaim the original intention for our lives. This plan is written right into our sexuality. This powerful presentation will help you to be transformed and to live out your life as a gift to others.

This is event is either a stand alone or part of a day long retreat. 

Unlocking the Mystery of Femininity

What does it mean to be a woman? So many images that our culture promotes fail to reveal the full glory of a woman’s dignity. These confusing notions often leave women lost, causing mistrust of others (especially of God and men). By unpacking what is meant by the “feminine genius,” women can begin to reclaim their intrinsic dignity as beloved daughters of God and learn how to receive the love that every woman deserves.

​This is event is either a stand alone or part of a day-long retreat. Recommended for youth and young adult audiences.

Retreat: Redeemed Vision: Freedom is REAL 

Because pornography is everywhere, the wounds are readily apparent in the lives of men and women. Without healing, entering into healthy relationships and attaining real intimacy is impossible. But do not despair

Based off the work of Freedom Coaching and Redeemed Vision: Setting the Blind Free from the Pornified Culture, this retreat is designed for those who are looking for healing from the wounds they've incurred from the pornified culture and who desire genuine freedom from pornified images. Through an in-depth exploration of the attachment to pornography through the lens of brain science, a rediscovery of genuine intimacy, and learning how to see the body as God has designed us to see, attendees will learn how to break the power of pornography forever. 

​With time for reflection and healing prayer, this is a perfect event for your parish, university campus, or faith group. 

This event is available as a weekend retreat or one day program

Healing the Wounded Bride: How do we answer the Catholic Church's sexual abuse crisis?

While sexual abuse may be found in many segments of our society, it is most troubling when members of the leadership within the Catholic Church participate in such devious behavior. These secret and heinous actions strike at the heart of the Church, for it creates an environment of suspicion and distrust, as well as calls into question the entirety of the Catholic Faith.

Although an uncomfortable topic to discuss, we must take an honest and open look at the roots of this crisis. Doing so, we'll discover satisfying answers and pave the way to healing for both individuals and the Church as a whole. 

This is event is either a stand alone or to be paired with other talks for a day-long retreat/parish mission.