What does Redeemed Vision look like?

In the world of Freedom Coaching, we are privileged to work with some of the most broken men and women who experience the transformative freedom of grace, walking our our doors as a new creations in Christ.

Part of their journey is learning how to see as God sees, which includes themselves and others as gifts. It is worlds apart from the pornified vision that is foisted upon us through our media.

But what does this redeemed vision really look like? What does it mean to go from being blind to actually live as one who sees?

We proudly present to you Christopher Chen, a genuine Christ-bearer, and Freedom Coach who shares his story of how he was blind – literally – and has come to see. This vision has changed everything in his life and he can’t help but share this witness with others, and encourage others to challenge the status quo and become one who really sees.

Check out the talk here, and share your thoughts of one practical way you move from darkness to light.

August 3, 2024 - 9:00am

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