In the United States, because of President Abraham Lincoln, the fourth Thursday of every November is designated for Thanksgiving. This is in honor of those brave men, women, and children who left everything they ever knew in Europe and travelled over the Atlantic sea in hope of a better future. They had no idea what the future held, but believed that God was guiding them to live in freedom.

For anyone who has ever watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special, you know that their first months in the New World were no cakewalk. Their adventure became a nightmare, with many of the travelers getting sick and dying, never even making it to land. If one was “lucky” enough to see land, they faced a harsh winter.

Yet they were not without hope. Their faith in God is what empowered them to take it a day at a time, realizing that they were products of Providence, called to be in that space at that time for a purpose, even if they had difficulty seeing it. They were grateful for each breath of fresh air, of having just enough food and supplies to survive. The Pilgrims were grateful that they were able to practice their religion, free from the compulsion of the State. It was the grit, determination, and genuine faith in Jesus Christ that allowed them to not simply survive, but to thrive.

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This 1st generation would begin to build what would become the

United States of America.

As I reflect on the blessings of God given to those of us in Freedom Coaching, I see some parallels for those men and women who are trapped in the bondage of pornography and unchaste behavior. They are trapped in the prison of guilt, shame and self-hatred, knowing that they cannot get out on their own power. They are taught from the beginning to live #dayzero, to realize that in this moment in time, even if it is difficult, they are to cling to the mast of redemption. They entrust their brokenness to God and to our very talented coaches who guide them over uncharted waters in pursuit of genuine internal freedom. This journey is not easy, and they face difficulties, insecurities, and fears. The whole time, the grace of God is present, and if they are open to His transforming love, even though the process is challenging, they find something completely worth it: Their FREEDOM, living comfortable in their own skin. 

The guiding thread through the mission of Freedom Coaching is gratitude. We are thankful for the wounds each and every teammate has received and for allowing Jesus Christ to come in and redeem their brokenness. We are grateful for the amazing men and women, broken on the wheels of life, who entrust their lives to our care. We are grateful for the grace of God who sustains this mission, for we know we are nothing without Him. And we are thankful for those who support this work through their prayers, sacrifices, and financial offerings, letting us know that in the dark moments and warfare we endure, we are not alone, but surrounded by a Cloud of Witnesses (cf. Heb 12:1) who are with us, being our supply chain for freedom.

May God bless each and every one of you this Thanksgiving.

Bonus Question: Do you know what is the lowest porn usage day of the year?

                             What is it and why? Comment below.

Steve Pokorny is the Founder of Freedom Coaching, a one-to-one mentoring system designed to break the power of pornified images in both men and women. His book, Redeemed Vision: Setting the Blind Free from the Pornified Culture, is available from Amazon.

November 26, 2024 - 6:40pm

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