Client Testimonials

Roberto Martinez, Former Freedom Coaching Client

Real Redemption: Roberto's Story

“I must say that the process was very supporting in the way of growing in holiness. I do believe that the power of the evil one was broken through the Freedom Coaching process. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I have experienced freedom as I was told I would by my Coach at the beginning. THANK YOU very much! God Bless the staff of Freedom Coaching for all the work you all are doing. Peace in Christ.”

Unnamed Priest, Rome
Freedom Coaching Testimony - Roberto, Denver CO
Freedom Coaching Testimony - Spouse of a Client

Freedom Coaching isn't a more expensive "Porn Addicts Anonymous." It's actually the complete opposite. Instead of trying to bury who you are as a person, it delves into the bare bones of one's identity, the nitty-gritty of one's spiritual and sexual life and experiences. As opposed to burying away the bad, it proudly and loudly uproots it, giving anyone who goes through the program the strength and confidence to live their faith boldly.

Jose (at age 16), San Antonio

Dom Mann, Former Freedom Coaching Client

A witness to Freedom - A Testimony of Freedom Coaching featuring Dom Mann

Freedom Coaching has made me see all the possibilities open up when one is free from pornography. It has helped me to be able to go deeper spiritually and learn more about my faith & myself.

Freedom Coaching Testimony John - Rochester, NY

I had been to psychiatrists, churches, monasteries and recovery groups, exhausting all means of recovery from the scourge of pornography and the insatiable appetite of lust. Nothing was working. When I was introduced to Freedom Coaching, I was a broken person. All the ideas and practices I was offered was met with skepticism and doubt. Yet when I worked the program, I had a taste of true freedom from pornography and shame. Unfortunately, after a few months, I stopped following the path and after 4 months, ended up even worse than before. But I learned my lesson.

Now I’m following what was laid out by my Freedom Coach. A new humility, strength and peace is pouring into my life. Other programs helped me avoid the horrors of pornography. But Freedom Coaching has freed and changed my vision of women, sex and what means to be a man.

Freedom Coaching Testimony Paul - Hillsdale, MI

Freedom Coaching has given me confidence and inspiration to see the beauty of God and to not fall into temptations of lust. It taught me to love and to be open to love and beauty. Before Freedom Coaching, I struggled with blindness and lust and was feeling unhappy with my self. I have been taught how to respond in love and truth.

It certainly has continued to foster my relationship with God and opened my life to even more of His love and grace. I enjoy spending time in silence and prayer with Him and can see love radiating from that relationship.​

If you are ready to quit a life of lust and temptation, this is a great, cost-effective, and spiritually based therapy that can change your life forever. If you are ready to set yourself free from the chains of this world, sign up and be open to God moving in you!

Freedom Coaching Testimony Katherine - CO

I came into Freedom Coaching upon reading its FAQs and realizing that the first thing I needed to do was to embrace honesty, no matter how frightening. I learned at that moment that the fear of losing relationships must be accepted as nothing compared to the healing grace of relationships healed and renewed by honesty, or at the very least, new relationships that will never have to suffer the brokenness that will inevitably be caused by a lack of honesty.

In short, Freedom Coaching has completely freed me from a desire to lust, and I can now be honest with myself and others about that past slavery & dishonesty and my present freedom.

James Palen
Freedom Coaching Testimony Mike - York, PA

Entré en Freedom Coaching después de leer sus preguntas frecuentes y darme cuenta de que lo primero que tenía que hacer era abrazar la honestidad, sin importar cuán aterradora fuera. Aprendí en ese momento que el miedo a perder relaciones debe aceptarse como nada en comparación con la gracia sanadora de las relaciones sanadas y renovadas por la honestidad, o al menos, nuevas relaciones que nunca tendrán que sufrir la ruptura que inevitablemente se producirá por falta de honestidad.

En resumen, Freedom Coaching me ha liberado por completo del deseo de lujuria, y ahora puedo ser honesto conmigo mismo y con los demás sobre esa esclavitud y deshonestidad pasadas y mi libertad actual.


Freedom Coaching me ha dado confianza e inspiración para ver la belleza de Dios y no caer en tentaciones de lujuria. Me enseñó a amar y a estar abierto al amor y a la belleza. Antes de Freedom Coaching, luchaba contra la ceguera y la lujuria y me sentía infeliz conmigo mismo. Me han enseñado cómo responder con amor y verdad.

Ciertamente ha seguido fomentando mi relación con Dios y ha abierto mi vida aún más a Su amor y gracia. Disfruto pasar tiempo en silencio y oración con Él y puedo ver el amor que irradia esa relación.

Si estás listos para dejar una vida de lujuria y tentación, esta es una terapia excelente, rentable y basada en la espiritualidad que puede cambiar tu vida para siempre. Si estás listo para liberarte de las cadenas de este mundo, ¡inscríbete y ábrete a que Dios se mueva en ti!


Freedom Coaching me ha hecho ver todas las posibilidades que se abren cuando uno está libre de pornografía. Me ha ayudado a poder profundizar espiritualmente y aprender más sobre mi fe y sobre mí mismo.


Meet Walt Slominski, Former Freedom Coaching Client

From Anxiety and Lust to Confidence and Love: Walt's Story

Freedom Coaching Testimony - A, Texas

Freedom Coaching has revolutionized how I see and relate to people (from lusting & imagining to loving and blessing) and almost completely destroyed my sexual insanity….This is hands down the most powerful and potent healing program.

Freedom Coaching Testimony Jim - San Diego, CA

I believe this topic, no matter what, should be talked about in families way more often. Not only is it tearing apart families, it’s furthering the soul’s of boys my age [14] from God. I know what this is like, for I have witnessed what it does not only physically, but mentally, to people. Freedom Coaching helped me to get through my compulsion really quickly and I am now a better person because I can see the truth. I was once blind, but my eyes have been opened.

Freedom Coaching Testimony Robert - TX

Freedom Coaching brought me to realize that my past struggles can be broken and I can be freed from the evil of pornography. By learning to have simple gratitude for the small things in life, I’ve discovered what God had originally created me to be and to do: to be loved and to love. Making the sacrifice of time and practicing the virtue of humility, I have begun to be set free from darkness and be healed with the Father’s grace.

Freedom Coaching Testimony - Bob, NY

This has been the best investment of my life! Even as a poor college kid, I knew that simply stoping pornography was not enough to help me see others with the eyes of Christ. Freedom Coaching has helped me do just that – love, fully body and soul.

I feel as if the wall that I had built between God and I all these years has been lifted. I now experience my days with profound JOY and am digging deeper with my relationship with God, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother.

There is a way to be set FREE from the chains of pornography. A Freedom Coach walks with them and challenges them to find the root – a desire for intimacy, a desire for love, and a desire for God.

Michaela Pugh
Freedom Coaching Testimony - Jay, Seattle

I have already suggested to other men in my parish that they reach out to Freedom Coaching, especially if they feel hopeless. Based on my experience even if it is uncomfortable to totally pour out your past, it was necessary, and after feeling more hope and joy in my journey toward freedom, I felt it was totally worth it.

Freedom Coaching Testimony - Jim, Florida

I am no longer obsessed with pornography. Since I have learned how to rewire my brain I no longer have the shame and guilt associated with the abuse of my body.

Freedom Coaching Testimony - Jamie, spouse of Client

Freedom Coaching will open your eye's to see everything the way God intended and help your figure out what you are looking really looking for.

John Allen, Idaho

“Freedom Coaching has helped paved the road for greater freedom. Pornography had been ruining my life and having the toolkit to fight it is worth the money, many times over.”

Kyle, Wisconsin