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Non mollare e basta.

Lasciati trasformare .
Spezza il potere del porno .

Vivi una trasformazione permanente radicata in una Visione Redenta della persona umana, il tutto comodamente da casa tua.


“Addicted to pornography, drugs, and alcohol, my spiraled life was out of control .Finding faith and support helped me to make amends and strive for a better future. I AM FREE!

Former Client

"God's plan for us is to be free from porn. There is always hope. There's always the light at the end of the tunnel. We can not do this on our own, but through God's love and grace, change is absolutely possible."

Walter S.
Former Client

"Freedom has been given to me. My life really does have value and meaning. I am empowered and emboldened to be the man that I'm supposed to be."

Steve Pokorny
Freedom Coaching Founder

“You can't just White Knuckle it, you can't try to get through it by yourself, you need help so skip all the hesitation the coaches are friendly, cool and dedicated!”

Dom M.
Former Client

See what FREEDOM looks like
through the eyes of 


Cos'è il Freedom Coaching?

Freedom Coaching offre una soluzione permanente all'abitudine al porno affrontando la causa principale, ovvero come la vedi. Siamo radicati nella solida teologia cattolica, integrando la Teologia del Corpo per rimodellare la tua comprensione della persona umana. Le nostre metodologie comprovate hanno guidato innumerevoli individui verso una libertà duratura, mentre le nostre sessioni video personalizzate e individuali assicurano che ogni passaggio sia adattato alla tua situazione unica.


Saperne di più

Vuoi sapere come possiamo aiutarti a liberarti dalla pornografia? Scopri di più sul potere trasformativo del Freedom Coaching.

Inizia oggi

Ogni viaggio inizia con un singolo passo. Fai quel passo oggi e inizia il tuo viaggio verso un te più sano, più felice e più libero.

Sostieni la nostra missione

Il tuo supporto è fondamentale per aiutare Freedom Coaching a realizzare la sua missione: promuovere la crescita e la trasformazione personale.

Freedom Coaching is a team serving the mission of Jesus Christ to help set the captives free! The pornified culture gives nothing and steals so much from us. Freedom Coaching proposes a way forward: Through a transformation of mind, heart and vision, men and women can learn how to see so they find what satisfies! 

Freedom Coaching has a proven methodology track record, to helping clients rediscover the purpose and dignity of their body and sexuality and how to live accordingly. Learn to break the bonds that hold you back, and live the truth, beauty and goodness Christ has won for you.

Glowing element
Father Robert McTeigue, S.J., Ph.D.
Father Robert McTeigue, S.J., Ph.D.

The Catholic Current

Freedom Coaching is the perfect name and approach for what is needed to counter the hold of pornography on our heart, mind & will. This is personalized care to not only wrestle free from the hold, but to grow in true freedom, capable of friendship, communion, and intimacy. In other words, love and joy. I’ve known Steve for more than fifteen years and can testify to his knowledge, passion, and commitment to doing what it takes to help you live a life of true freedom from pornography. When you are ready – seriously ready - Steve Pokorny and the folks at Freedom Coaching are committed to you and your freedom!

Glowing element
Damon Owens
Damon Owens

Executive Director,
Joyful Ever After

Without question, nothing is destroying—and preventing—more vocations to priesthood and the married life than pornography. Because of this, there has never been a greater need for the important work being done by the team at Freedom Coaching. Rooted in Catholic spiritualty and solid psychology, they offer men and women effective tools to break free and discover healing that lasts.

Glowing element
Jason & Crystalina Evert
Jason & Crystalina Evert

Chastity Project

Pornography is a hellish mockery of a heavenly reality. Freedom Coaching exists to help those enslaved by the former experience the liberation of the latter. By insightfully applying the principles of Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Freedom Coaching offers a practical program of healing that leads to authentic sexual integration and redemption. Venturing far beyond coping mechanisms, this is an approach that overcomes evil with good, illuminating the path to the true fulfillment of one’s legitimate and God-given needs and desires.

Glowing element
Dr. Christopher West
Dr. Christopher West

Theology of The Body Institute

I am pleased to endorse the great work that Steve Pokorny and his associates are doing at Freedom Coaching. The name really expresses what they are offering to those who are caught in the malignant web of pornography in today’s world. I pray that many will find the freedom and flourishing that comes from stepping away from the dark world of pornography. May Freedom Coaching allow those who feel hopeless and lost to find hope and a new direction for their lives.

Glowing element
Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland
Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland

Former Bishop
of Tyler, TX

The great evil of pornography enslaves too many of our brothers and sisters, distorting their vision of the human body, sexuality and intimacy. Freedom Coaching is particularly effective because it addresses the root causes that leave individuals vulnerable to the snares of pornography.

One very valuable component of the ministry of Freedom Coaching is the one-to-one accompaniment that they provide. Individuals will be supported as they journey out of the darkness of an attachment to pornography and into a healing process where they can see the goodness of the body and sexuality, and enter into healthy and life-giving relationships.

More than ever, Freedom Coaching is needed now, and I offer my prayerful support of this ministry.

Glowing element
Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, CSB
Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, CSB

of Vancouver

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The Freedom Zone

Welcome to the Freedom Zone blog, where we share insights and tips on personal growth and empowerment from a very Catholic perspective. Dive in to explore resources that can help you unlock your true potential and embrace a fulfilling life. 

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Redeemed Vision

Step into a world of transformation with The Redeemed Vision Podcast. Here we go deep into tough topics about love, human sexuality, marriage & family life.  Come discover valuable insights, motivating stories, and fascinating guests that can help you navigate life's challenges and learn how to see the world through a redeemed lens.


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