The Main Question Surrounding Harvey and his Pals
Harvey Weinstein. Kevin Spacey. Dustin Hoffman. Louis C.K.
This is just a tip of the iceberg of celebrities who have admitted to...Read more
A Word on Gratitude
We're headed into time of the Birth of Christ and it can be a crazy time. It is supposed to be a time of...Read more
One Country is Leading the Fight Against Pornography...and it's not the U.S.
In the fight against pornified images, one country is stepping up it’s game. And this country is not in the Western World; instead, it...Read more
Why are we all so lonely?
Feeling lonely? You’re not alone.
According to the American Psychological Association,
Approximately 42.6 million adults over age 45...Read more
What is pornography doing to us?
This is a snippet of a presentation I gave at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in San Antonio recently to High School Students who are...Read more
Pamela Anderson: The New Mary Magdalene?
A preface to this post: I remember as a teenager how both the Internet and my hormones were exploding. I spent many a nights...Read more